Why Mosquito & Fly Bites Can Endanger Your Health

maio 28, 2023

Why Mosquito & Fly Bites Can Endanger Your Health

Do you know about all the little vicious "MONSTERS" mosquito & fly bites transmit to those they bite ? Many of those little MONSTERS" can seriously and permanently damage organs, vessels, and fetuses. Watch this sneak peak VIDEO to learn a little more about the dangers of mosquito & fly bites.


  • 1) to REGISTER for a FREE 30 -minute presentation of in depth strategies to avoid mosquitos & flies WITHOUT topical products in "WHY MOSQUITOS ATTACK SOME MORE THAN OTHERS & HOW TO FIX IT" , which will be presented LIVE on Tuesday 5-30-2023 at 7pm ET on Zoom. Here's the REGISTRATION LINKhttps://bit.ly/ghgb-mosquitos
  • 2) to ACCESS OUR TOPICAL PLANT-BASED MOSQUITO REPELLENTS & more summertime survival products AVAILABLE NOW only on our website at: https://bit.ly/ghgb-summertime-survival
  • 3) to REGISTER for MEDICINE BEHIND BEAUTY, which is our monthly membership program in which we meet LIVE online to discuss how various medical conditions impact skin, hair, beard health and body odor:  https://bit.ly/ghgb-mbb-earlybird
  • 4) to PRE-REGISTER for our mini-course FOODS FOR FLAWLESS SKIN & HAIR to learn how to achieve your healthiest skin & hair texture by changing foods you consume & how you consume them starting 6-7-2023 : LINK: https://bit.ly/ghgb-flawless